What other platforms for TV (or educational, as you say) viewing are utilized in Kuwait? How does Netflix compare to these other platforms?

Provide the author required changes: The introduction of this article makes several theoretical claims about the addictiveness of media and its influence on children’s personalities that are supported by previous literature yet not adequately cited. Please revise the introduction with academic citations that more comprehensively detail and support these specific claims.

The literature review of this article establishes strong claims about the potential impact of Netflix on young people’s personalities without adequately reviewing any studies that explore this particular phenomenon. The literature provided mostly reviews Netflix’s impact on learning, but not personality, and the one article that discusses personality impact does not provide evidence but speculation. More literature that highlights what previous literature has established about potential effects of media on children’s personalities (whether or not it is even about Netflix) must be included to present a more solid foundation for highlighting supposed gaps.

The literature review of this article also establishes a broad claim about the prevalence of Netflix use amongst the target population that is not supported by any data or literature. This information should have also been established in the Introduction section, not the literature review. More statistical evidence highlighting the prevalence of Netflix in this country is needed, or the entire statement about its prevalence needs to be rewritten to be more speculative than presumptive.

In the Methods section of this article, the demographic distribution of respondents was discussed but not provided. The authors note that “The researcher relied on secondary data sources in addressing the theoretical framework of the research, which are Arab and foreign books and references related to the subject of the study”; besides the fact that this information belongs in the Introduction section of the article and not here, it is unclear what those Arab and foreign references are, and if they were included then considerably more descriiption of how they frame the present research is needed.

The researchers describe the questionnaire used in this study has focusing on two separate topics; however, one topic (the second topic) is named, whereas the other topic is described as having two scopes, yet is not explicitly named. The way the results are described is also considerably unclear, though question if that may simply be a matter of a language barrier. A revision of each results descriiption would be very helpful.

The discussion section does not adequately address the limitations of this study–including but not limited to the fact that it does not account for countless other factors that could be impacting the behaviors discussed in the questionnaire (e.g., normative cognitive or social development, exposure to other media/media types, relationships with friends who use Netflix, or even the parent-child relationship itself), particularly when none of those those, or any other independent variables, appear to have been controlled for. This entire study would be better described as speculative inquiry since, as is,  would not argue it is rigorous enough to be reliable yet on this specific question (and since, according to the findings, most children in the sample do not actually use Netflix).

Please provide the author recommended changes: In addition to what I’ve already said  think it’s important to clarify that a study of Netflix’s impact on primary-stage children’s values according to the perspectives of their parents is not a empirically reliable way to understand actual impacts. Inherent within such an analysis is parental bias in what they report, which does not appear to be accounted for by the researcher. I am aware that perhaps the researcher had challenges setting up a study that could actually interview or observe children; however, in not doing so the dependent variable has not been established as children’s values, but as parents’ perspective of their children’s values. That, I’m guessing, is a completely different study from what the researcher originally had in mind based on the assertions made in the Introduction and information provided in the literature review.

Given what was discussed in the results/discussion section of the article, my suggestion would be to revise the introduction (including theoretical framework) and literature review to cover and theorize about the impact of Netflix (and Western media, by extension) on Kuwaiti/non-Western social relationships (esp. parent/child), as then it would more accurately support what the data actually speaks to (and perhaps even more compelling, since very few studies actually discuss this, though it is an important topic).

Do you have any conflict of interest to declare?: No

If yes, please provide details below:

Reviewer: 2

While I think this is generally interesting, the writing needs improvement, and the appendices and tables need to be included. How does the conclusion that parents should monitor Netflix screen time differ from the general guidance that parents should monitor screen time for TV, video games, or other platforms?

Additional Questions:
Please provide the author required changes: There are many grammatical errors throughout the manuscriipt, particularly in the abstract and introduction. Capitalization of Netflix shows is sporadic throughout the manuscriipt, and named Appendices and tables are not included. A thorough review and correction of these issues is necessary.

Please provide the author recommended changes: I recommend specifying the age of range of the “primary stage child” earlier on in your manuscriipt. Are the shows you reference: Sex Education and Stranger Things age appropriate for the “primary stage child?” What other platforms for TV (or educational, as you say) viewing are utilized in Kuwait? How does Netflix compare to these other platforms?

What Netflix shows are teachers actually utilizing in classrooms of the “primary stage child?” Are these children watching the same shows at home as they would at school? How does the conclusion that parents should monitor screen time differ from the general guidance for other TV or screen time?

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