We’ll use our unique IAT random samples to demonstrate what we learned in Unit 3 (Modules 7, 8, 9, & 10).
From this point forward, all links in this assignment open in a new tab.
Login and open StatCrunch (directions).
Open your IAT sample data set in StatCrunch (directions).
Important: To learn which variables you need to use in this project, open the drop-down menu by selecting the triangle under the title for your chosen data set.
Open for the Gender-Career variables
Open for the Gender-Science variables
Open for the Race variables
Open for the Sexuality variables
Open for the Weapons variables
Open for the weight variables
(Since this is your first unit project, here’s a little hint. The Unit 3 Project is very similar to the “Module 9: Comparing Boxplots Lab” assignment, In fact, every unit project is very similar to at least one – and often more than one – peer-reviewed assignment from that unit.)
To respond to the following items, use the quantitative variable and just one of the categorical variables listed above. You choose which categorical variable from the list above that you want to analyze.
Use concepts from Unit 3 to describe the distribution of the quantitative variable grouped by the categorical variable. Then make comparisons and draw conclusions.
Make an appropriate graph and provide appropriate numerical summaries.
Embed your StatCrunch graph in your response, and be sure to include the Alt Text. Complete each of the following to make the graph more meaningful to the reader.
Include a meaningful title above your graph.
Underneath your graph, describe the variables represented in the graph.
Below your graph, provide a key for the numerical category labels in your graph. Hint: see the category descriptions for your categorical variable in the variable descriptions list for your IAT data set above.
Copy and paste the StatCrunch table of numerical summaries into your response.
To make it easier for the reader to understand your table, replace any numerical category labels with meaningful words. Hint: see the category descriptions for your categorical variable in the variable descriptions list for your IAT data set above.
Choose two or three groups of the categorical variable that are most interesting to compare. Then use percentages and descriptions of center and spread to make comparisons. What do the data suggest? For example, is a particular group from the categorical variable more likely to have a higher/lower IAT score?
Use the data to support your answer.
Interpret the result in context. Hint: to learn how to interpret the IAT score, see the variable descriptions link for your IAT data set (included in the Variables section above).
StatCrunch Directions
Here is a PDF document with all StatCrunch directionsLinks to an external site..
Unit 3 Project First-Draft Discussion Board
Use the Unit 3 Project First-Draft Discussion Board (opens in a new tab) to review your first draft at the prompt and identify necessary improvements to your work. If you are still unsure of what needs to be corrected or you didn’t receive the help you needed, please make a tutoring appointment or meet with your professor.
A note about academic integrity: take care to ensure that your answers remain authentically yours. Copying another’s work is plagiarism. More importantly, when we simply copy someone else’s work, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, engage in productive struggle to correct those mistakes, and consequently deepen our understanding of the material.
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