Using the readings and viewings for week 6, first interpret the quote from Chadwick and then use your interpretation to make an argument that discusses intersectionality and art, especially as they relate to gender, race, class, and sexuality.

Intersectionality and Art: Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality.

In Chapter 12, Chadwick quotes Chicago and Schapiro who argued that “the imagery they described should not be viewed simplistically as ‘vaginal or womb art’ but should be understood by providing a framework within which to reverse devaluations of female anatomy in patriarchal culture” (358-9; you’ll also read the Chicago/Schapiro essay from which this was taken this week).

Using the readings and viewings for week 6, first interpret the quote from Chadwick and then use your interpretation to make an argument that discusses intersectionality and art, especially as they relate to gender, race, class, and sexuality.


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