Research by finding an scholarly article (peer reviewed) or case study discussing ONE of the following laws or legal issues as it relates to computer forensics and choose a topic that is related to:
1) Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)
2) Cable Communications Privacy Act (CCOA)
3) Privacy Protection Act (PPA)
4) USA Patriot Act of 2001
5) Search and seizure requirements of the Fourth Amendment
6) Legal right to search the computer media
7) Legal right to remove the computer media from the scene
8) Availability of privileged material on the computer media for examination
Using at least 500 words – You will define your research topic using the method outlined below. Please remember that in order for a research topic to be valid you must be able to prove it exists in the literature. You will be graded on Content/Subject Knowledge, Critical Thinking Skills, Organization of Ideas, and Writing Conventions.
How to research an article that is scholarly in nature:
Go to Google Scholar
Type in key words
Adjust the date in the upper left hand corner to be within the last 5 years
Scroll the titles of the articles that catch you attention
When you find the article, open it and read the abstract
If the abstract still catches your attention, scroll to the bottom where it says “conclusions, recommendations etc.”
If there is not a conclusions or recommendations section, repeat steps 4-6
When you read the conclusions or recommendations section the author of that article will TELL you what future research recommendations are; THIS IS YOUR RESEARCH TOPIC!
Your introductory paragraph will be written using the following methodology:
M – main idea – a single sentence that is an original thought
E – evidence – this is the support from the topic selection method described above that supports your main idea.
A – analysis – you will demonstrate the appropriate level of critical thinking (analysis and application) by constructing a sentence that utilizes a verb from Bloom’s Taxonomy.
L – link – this is your transitional phrase moving to your next main idea (nevertheless, consequently, additionally, however etc.)
There is a Power Point attached to this assignment that outlines how to accomplish this task.
When discussing your topic for the rest of the paper you will use this methodology for each paragraph of your paper.
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