Provide a superficial “check the box” response to the material and simply regurgitates the material, especially if only one piece of the preparation material is covered.

Be sure to read the articles, watch the videos, and listen to the podcasts BEFORE beginning this assignment!
You are free to discuss whatever you would like in your topic impressions. For example, you can discuss what you found particularly interesting or puzzling about the topic and why, discuss what was new to you, raise issues we should discuss in class, constructively criticize ideas in the material, comment on ideas you find interesting, comment on how the information can be applied in industry or how it is similar or different to

what you have seen in your own work experience, suggest another way to approach the research (if it’s an academic article), etc.
These impression papers do not need to be polished essays; the point of these assignments is to get you thinking about the topics of the week and to prepare for class discussion. Impression assignments should be between 200-400 words, but can be bullet points, or a stream of your thoughts, rather than a structured paper.

Impression assignments that exceed expectations are those that demonstrate engagement with the multiple sources of topic material and show thought beyond what was provided, possibly incorporating personal/professional experiences on the topic. Impression assignments that meet expectations are those that demonstrate a basic understanding of the material that was assigned and synthesized some ideas. Impression assignments that are below expectations are those that provide a superficial “check the box” response to the material and simply regurgitates the material, especially if only one piece of the preparation material is covered.


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