Pick one force or crucible of your choice and write a 3 page (~750 words) report on one of the above topics as it applies to Globalization (MS Word, APA format, New Times Roman 11 font).

Pick one force or crucible of your choice and write a 3 page (~750 words) report on one of the above topics as it applies to Globalization (MS Word, APA format, New Times Roman 11 font). The pros and the cons of each trend should be clearly explained. Tables and charts (from your additional research) are a good addition and that could make the report. Along with the title page, it would four pages.

Add at least one external reference.
Just copying the information from the above link will not get you points – it is your interpretation and additional research that would be reflected in your write up will get you better grades.
The structure of the report would be:
Introduction – Introduce the trend and indicate why it is important to globalization. (20%)


Trend Analysis – Clearly explain the pros and the cons of the trend with at least one example for each. Support with your research data – charts, tables, etc.(50%)
Conclusion – Conclude with your views on the trend and your projection of the trend in the next several years and state why. (20%)
References – In addition to the text book, there should be at least three additional references (website URLs with date accessed, Book and author) that helped to make your case.

These references should be shown in your report when you are making the point taken from the reference, per APA format. (10%)
Use your critical thinking skills to analyze and to draw conclusions.

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