Choose a piece of persuasive writing from the “Texts for Analysis” list within the template.

1027.1.1 : Understanding Purpose and Audience The learner writes with a purpose for a given context and target audience. Introduction Effective writers know how to tailor their text for a specific purpose and a specific audience. For example, writers can choose to make an emotional appeal using simple language so that any audience can understand … Read more

Now that we have all arrived at week 5, what are your views now after reading the knowledge from your course book?

We have finally made it to week 5 :-). During this journey, you read and studied a lot of information, written assignments supported by the information read along with additional references, and your life experience, and repeat the process each week. [order_button_a] For this last discussion, reflect on your thoughts and understanding of what ‘Organizational … Read more

Evaluate the probability using the Normal Distribution.

Lab Assignment Assignment Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: OpenStax TextbookLinks to an external site.: Chapters 2, 6, and 7 Week 5 Lesson Week 3 Excel SpreadsheetLinks to an external site. Week 5 Excel SpreadsheetLinks to an external site. [order_button_a] Week 5 Lab Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. Instructions This week’s … Read more

Influence and Deception: An Analysis of Cialdini’s Principles through the Lens of Montagu’s Operation Mincemeat

Synthesize the ideas explored in Cialdini’s Influence: Science and Practice and Montagu’s The Man Who Never Was in a concise, cogent essay that takes and defends a stance on: Were any of Cialdini’s weapons of influence used against the Axis Powers in the planning and execution of Operation Mincemeat? [order_button_a]

Explain how the Point Estimate and the Margin of Error are used to find the Lower and Upper Limits.

Confidence Intervals Discussion Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 8 Lesson 6 Reading Minimum of 1 scholarly source AND one appropriate resource such as the textbook, math video and/or math website In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s). [order_button_a] … Read more

Personal Leadership Portrait-Evaluate your personal approach to healthcare leadership. Identify the leadership and emotional intelligence characteristics you already possess.

Develop a portrait of your own leadership that examines specific leadership characteristics, and articulate the manner in which leadership can be used to empower others. Leadership may be one of the defining factors in influencing organizational culture. Leadership impacts quality of care and addresses the well-being and development of employees and those served. In healthcare, … Read more

Is it appropriate to use a normal distribution to compute a confidence interval for the population mean μ? Explain.

Based on Chapters 8 and 9. 1) Problem 11, page 378. Suppose x has a normal distribution with σ=6, A random sample of size 16 has sample mean 50. a)Is it appropriate to use a normal distribution to compute a confidence interval for the population mean μ? Explain. b) Find a 90% confidence interval for … Read more

Identify aspects of multiculturalism and societal diversity to consider when policing this group.

Week 3 Summative Assessment: Community Policing Presentation Victim advocates provide support to victims and their families navigating the criminal justice process, from community policing throughout sentencing and corrections. To be an empowered advocate for victims of all demographics, it is important to be able to identify the major aspects of multiculturalism and societal diversity within … Read more

Choose one of the eight issues from either Modules 3 or 4 in your textbook. Then select either the yes or the no side to focus your paper on.

Your assignment: Choose one of the eight issues from either Modules 3 or 4 in your textbook. Then select either the yes or the no side to focus your paper on. Once you have selected the issue, you will need to select one of the following approaches and utilize it to form your paper (Specify … Read more

Explain how you can search for and detect these traits and behaviors in hiring leadership talent.

Overview Hiring people with a leadership style that will fit well within your organization is an important skill to master. For this activity, you will explore what makes a good leader and how you might identify those traits in potential applicants. This topic is one of four aspects of leadership that you will explore for … Read more