In what ways do Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War examine the importance of strategy and knowledge in decision-making and leadership?
For your research paper due in week 7, you will write a literary analysis with a specific, creative thesis and opinionated argument. Your finished essay will meaningfully incorporate 1-2 of the assigned readings this quarter and make a unified argument with specific assertions and researched support. Your paper is expected to contain some focus on your chosen literature’s status as world literature and what can be learned by examining the author(s) or work(s) from cultural, historical, or sociological perspectives. In terms of content, the most effective essays will
Evaluate and apply diverse perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical) to complex global subjects
Articulate an understanding of cultural differences
Demonstrate sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.
Explore complex questions about other cultures and articulate answers to these questions.
To support your analysis, you must use at least four secondary sources from the GMC Library in addition to the literary work(s) discussed in your paper. The final paper must be at least 1500 words in length (and no more than 2000).
Your research paper must be a cohesive literary analysis of 1-2 of the assigned readings.
Your thesis statement must be clear, debatable, assignment-appropriate, and supported throughout your paper.
Avoid irrelevant biographical information or extensive plot summary. Your paper should prioritize focused literary analysis.
You must use at least 4 secondary sources (in addition to primary sources- the literature itself) that provide critical arguments about the reading you’ve chosen. Research must come from class-provided resources or relevant scholarly articles from GMC Library databases.
You may quote, paraphrase, or summarize your sources, but don’t let your research dominate the paper- you are the primary writer and thinker here, not your sources.
Your paper must be formatted according to MLA style.
You must include proper in-text citations within the body of your paper when quoting or paraphrasing primary and secondary sources.
You must include a works cited page at the end of your paper. Your works cited should include entries for both your research sources as well as the assigned literature you’ve chosen to write about.
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