FINAL PAPER – Worth 100 points
Your paper must be submitted online during Week 10. I accept papers early.
Approximately 1200 words
Recently, you gave a personal answer to the following question:
“What topic in business ethics is particularly interesting to you?”(How leadership plays a role in the ethics of a company and how company leaders make a company profitable while also maintaining high ethics in the company)
For the Final Exam/Paper, please write a paper on your topic that answers the following
1. What are the potential ethical problems in your topic of interest? Describe each
problem in detail as well as the ethical dilemmas that arise.
2. How does this ethical problem relate to managing ethics and CSR?
3. What firms have encountered this problem? How have they dealt with it?
4. What is your personal position on the topic? Why?
5. Based on your research and the concepts from this course, how would you deal
with this ethical problem as a manager?
Note: If you did not complete the quiz with your personal answer, or forgot your answer,
or you wish to work on a different topic, your topic is:
• Nudging (The concept as promulgated by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein)
o Answer questions 1-5 above
Note that this paper should use some of your personal research. However, please
make sure to use BA354 concepts throughout the paper.
I will use the same rubric that was used for the Challenge Papers.
30% Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
70% Quality/thoroughness of analysis. Supported.
Relationship to course materials (Does it tie?)
I will upload files of course material that you can tie into the essay,
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