Personal Use Reflection Project Final Reflection: Personal Use Final Reflection Paper: The Personal Use Reflection Paper is a summative response to the entire experience of the student’s personal use reflection project. In your final reflection of your project, you will include an evaluation of one of the major theories of addiction (CACREP Standard 3.C.5) and how this theory connects with your personal experience. Key Performance Indicator Assignment Descriptions (CACREP Standard 3.C.5). The Personal Use Final Reflection Paper should address the following questions:
1. What were the most salient feelings and thoughts you had during the project?
2. What were the biggest triggers or barriers to maintaining your chosen goal?
3. What were the most helpful factors for maintaining your chosen goal?
4. From the beginning, you were aware that not abstaining or changing your relationship with a substance or behavior would not negatively impact your grade. Thus, what motivated you to engage in this project (or not engage in this project)?
5. After this experience, how do you view lapses and relapses?
6.After this experience, do you think abstinence is a necessary first step for all clients/students/patients? Why or why not?
7. How do etiological theories of addiction (e.g., moral model, biological model, learning models, etc.) connect with your view of addiction and the recovery process?
8. How will you use this experience in your clinical practice? The Personal Use Final Reflection Paper needs to be in 1) in APA format (typed, double-spaced, appropriate citations) (2) brief (no more than three pages, excluding title page/references),
3) must include pertinent citations from course readings or other sources that support the information discussed within the paper (can include textbook). Citations are required for this assignment. The course textbook, Addiction counseling, A practical approach, Author, Cavaiola et al. text, can count as a citation/ resource.
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