Draft a short set of user guidelines or instructions to accompany the data entry process.

Data Entry Procedure Exercise for Health Clinics. Patient Records Management.


Harbor Health Clinics is looking to digitize its patient records management system. With clinics located throughout various neighborhoods and providing healthcare for thousands of patients, accurate yet efficient data entry processes must be implemented quickly in order to avoid misentries that compromise patient care, violate regulations or incur costly correction costs.
Chapter 15 of your textbook provided an in-depth exploration of key principles to creating efficient data entry procedures, including:
Systems Analysis and Design, 11th Edition Published by Pearson (June 13, 2023) Kenneth E. Kendall

Field Validations: Verify that data entered aligns with expected formats and value ranges. User Feedback: Prompt and clear indicators should be given to inform users about successful entries or errors as soon as they occur. Sequential Flow: Logical sequence of data entry fields to mimic natural workflows.
Auto-fill & Predictive Text: Leveraging technology to reduce manual input.
User Training & Guidelines: Offering clear instructions and training to users so as to reduce errors.
Assignment: Utilizing the teachings of Chapter 15, your task is to create a data entry procedure for Harbor Health Clinics’ new patient records management system. Your design should prioritize accuracy to protect patient safety while still speeding up processing without jeopardizing data integrity.


Detail the sequence and structure of data entry fields (e.g., Patient Name, Date of Birth, Medical History, Current Medications and Allergies). And design field validations at each data entry point to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Implement user feedback mechanisms into your procedure to provide users with instantaneous notifications of successful entries or mistakes, as well as data entry systems like auto-fill or predictive text to ease data entry process.
Draft a short set of user guidelines or instructions to accompany the data entry process.

Submit both the data entry procedure design and user guidelines for assessment. Make sure they reflect the needs of the scenario while showing an in-depth knowledge of concepts introduced in Chapter 15 (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, and LO5).
Essential Activities:

Reading Chapter 14, 15, & 16 will assist you with the exercise.
Watching the “Quality Assurance and HCI” videos will assist you with the exercise

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