
Topic: The prevalence off mental health issues among inmates in various states and facilities, as well as the availability of mental health care and programs. This would be a three part project. 1. Write a page paper on why the topic was chosen and why it is important to write about. 2. Create an annotated … Read more

Draft a ransomware policy for a fictional hospital located in the United States

Draft a ransomware policy for a fictional hospital located in the United States that is designed to address and mitigate the threat of ransomware. You should first familiarize yourselves with how ransomware works, how its delivery methods, frequency of attacks, and relevant contextual information crucial for designing the hospital’s policy. The official organizational policy will … Read more

How do etiological theories of addiction (e.g., moral model, biological model, learning models, etc.) connect with your view of addiction and the recovery process?

Personal Use Reflection Project Final Reflection: Personal Use Final Reflection Paper: The Personal Use Reflection Paper is a summative response to the entire experience of the student’s personal use reflection project. In your final reflection of your project, you will include an evaluation of one of the major theories of addiction (CACREP Standard 3.C.5) and … Read more

Describe how the company’s key product and brand elements fit the needs of the market for your selected zip code.

Select 1 consumer products company that is part of the Fortune 500 list. Refer to the Week 6 University Library page for assistance with this. Select 1 zip code for an area you are familiar with. Access the Claritas website and input your selected zip code into the Zip Code Look-up tool to access demographic … Read more

week 1 discussion

Submit a 1- to 3-paragraph post assessing your writing skills and process based on a paper from a current or previous course. In your post: Describe at least one strength and one area for improvement that you see in the paper Include examples that demonstrate these areas Reflect on your writing process and how it … Read more

Explore how reliability and validity affect the usefulness of a research measure. Can you think of examples where poor measure reliability might significantly impact research outcomes?

In APA format and include reference page. Use the lecture and reading materials from Chapters 3 and 4 to provide a meaningful discussion post on the measurement methods covered, and how these might be applied or observed in real research settings. Key Areas to Explore: Types of Measures (Chapter 3): Discuss the three types of … Read more

When you use close reading skills, you learn to be curious. You analyze what you are reading. Does it make sense? Do you believe it?

In this module, your mission is to analyze a story and share your insights. You will provide examples of the ideas the author presented and explain what you think about those ideas. When you use close reading skills, you learn to be curious. You analyze what you are reading. Does it make sense? Do you … Read more

See paper details

Reflection is a vital part of community-based learning, allowing interns to look back on, think critically, and learn from their experiences. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the progress (and make adjustments if necessary) of the internship against expectations and the learning objectives. It is also for students to reflect on significant activities … Read more

Recommendations for Controlling Hazards-As the environmental health and safety (EHS) manager, you have been asked to evaluate an existing operation to determine employee’s current exposure to hexane, which is a chemical used in painting processes.

Recommendations for Controlling Hazards As the environmental health and safety (EHS) manager, you have been asked to evaluate an existing operation to determine employee’s current exposure to hexane, which is a chemical used in painting processes. You are to complete an evaluation of the employee’s current exposure by determining the employee’s exposure to hexane (toxic … Read more