Romans- “Discovery Report” encompasses the questions for the assignment. Answer each question with a short answer (2-3 sentences or roughly 60 words).

“Discovery Report” encompasses the questions for the assignment. Answer each question with a short answer (2-3 sentences or roughly 60 words). Following this rule should land at roughly 10 pages of material alone. Please use this document as a template and keep all questions and answers together on the final copy. This should result in … Read more

In this section you will write 1-2 paragraphs (200-400 words). Essentially you need to seek to determine the author’s main point. The passage has both action and dialogue.

The information below focuses on the Interpretation part of the Bible Study Assignment you have due this week. Along with the first two points below, make sure you pay attention to the third point. This third point centers on the BIBL 104 Research Guide, which is very important. You will need the information in the … Read more

Discuss leadership principles / concepts found within your Bible verses.

Preferred Leadership Style and Biblical Application Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment provides students with an opportunity to assimilate the leadership knowledge acquired from this course concerning their preferred leadership style and integrate it with Biblical applications. Students will combine knowledge obtained from the textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, and the Bible in completing the assignment. Instructions … Read more

Proposal for student discipleship program-Create a colorful, age-appropriate flier to recruit students to join the discipleship program. This must be a one-page leaflet or flier.

Proposal for Student Discipleship Objective Create a proposal to implement a student discipleship program in a Christian school. Instructions Part 1 Look over the list of discipleship attributes again: Discipleship involves: Bible engagement – “a life-long learner of the Word” Obeying God and denying self – “deny self, take up your cross and follow me” … Read more

Context Think back to your last large family visit. What topics did everyone avoid?

 Forgiveness Context Think back to your last large family visit. What topics did everyone avoid? If you responded, “politics and religion,” you are not alone. Our society has grown to expect avoidance of such topics in family conversation, in part because such disagreements can become incredibly divisive. It is not uncommon for family members or … Read more