Create a neatly formatted, well labeled Excel work product. Follow the model for a template presented on video.

An Excel File response question for this Module will provide another opportunity to follow the guidelines for a hypothesis test (and develop a template for this particular test). Specifically, this is an opportunity to execute the mechanics of the 5 step process on a hypothesis test for the difference between two population means using data … Read more

How did you make your determinations and what were the details of the determination process?How would you plan for such a research process

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the following chapters from your textbook, and refer to the Research Proposal Project final project assignment as a reference in Week 6 for what you will be compiling for this project to gain an understanding of what research problem might be most appropriate. Chapter 1: The Nature … Read more

Using the community social problem you identified in Topic 6, complete the “Approach of Change” worksheet provided using three to five peer-reviewed resources (past 5 years).(social problem-Homelessness)

Using the community social problem you identified in Topic 6, complete the “Approach of Change” worksheet provided using three to five peer-reviewed resources (past 5 years).(social problem-Homelessness) While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, … Read more

Do a little research and see what you find. Is there a difference? Why do both terms exist if they are the same? Where do the terms originate?

Part 1: Integrals and anti-derivatives Often the question arises . . . what is the difference between an integral and an anti-derivative. Do a little research and see what you find. Is there a difference? Why do both terms exist if they are the same? Where do the terms originate? Part 2: Find one example … Read more

Create a presentation in which you explain how microbes negatively impact the human body and how the immune system fights the microbes/infectious disease you selected.

Infectious Disease Presentation In this assessment, you will assess interactions between microbes, the human immune system, and infectious diseases. Scenario Imagine you are a med student completing your third-year rotation through the infectious disease unit at the local hospital. The attending physician was impressed with your work and asked you to prepare a presentation for … Read more

Develop interactive visualizations to enhance transcript comprehension, reveal academic trends, and improve accessibility.

Project: Develop interactive visualizations to enhance transcript comprehension, reveal academic trends, and improve accessibility. Data: Anonymized CSV files (18 files, covering 10 students across multiple semesters) containing student ID (PIDM), course, and grade data. Provided: CSV data, Jupyter Notebook (Sunburst visualization example), and a sample report. Seeking: Expertise in data visualization, UI design, and web … Read more

Explain how vaccines protect not only individuals but also the community by preventing the spread of diseases.

VACCINATION AWARENESS FLYER Creating an outreach flyer and toolkit/informational packet for outreach events focused on increasing immunization awareness to the garland community clinic. The flyer should be written for Garland residents and should be attracted to all ages level. For Garland residents, we are considering including the following areas: Benefits of Immunization: [order_button_a] Explain how … Read more

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog article for the company’s knowledge base about the security threats for each of the 4 most prominent cloud deployment models: private, public, hybrid, and community.

Security analysts for larger companies may need to determine, based on multiple factors, how to deploy cloud computing to the company. Since having an informed workforce is critical, one factor to consider is the employees’ knowledge of security threats. Communication, such as emails, blog posts, videos, or training modules, can assist in teaching employees about … Read more