Identify and analyze at least three technological innovations that are expected to shape the future of television.

EACH QUESTION SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF TWO PAGES. You must use a minimum of 7 scholarly sources beyond your text book.(Television: The Critical View; Newcomb, Horace., Oxford University Press, 2007 ISBN: 978-0-19-1530116-8) Each question should be a minimum of two pages. Please put the question at the top of each page. With rapid advancements … Read more

Discuss the Public Health Powers in the Constitution; also list and discuss agencies that manage disease outbreaks, and control.

SLO: 4 Discuss the Public Health Powers in the Constitution; also list and discuss agencies that manage disease outbreaks, and control. Novick, Morrow & Mays, Ch 4 To acquire the required competency from this SLO, students must read Ch 4 of the class textbook and report on the following topics: You are expected to discuss … Read more