What does Foucault mean by “power”? How does it relate to “knowledge,” and how does knowledge operate?

Support your reasoning using only examples from the attached PDF Don’t forget to write your total word count at the end! According to Foucault, what is the relationship between the plague-stricken town and the panoptic establishment? In other words, why does he bring them up in the same chapter? What is his purpose for doing … Read more

Influence and Deception: An Analysis of Cialdini’s Principles through the Lens of Montagu’s Operation Mincemeat

Synthesize the ideas explored in Cialdini’s Influence: Science and Practice and Montagu’s The Man Who Never Was in a concise, cogent essay that takes and defends a stance on: Were any of Cialdini’s weapons of influence used against the Axis Powers in the planning and execution of Operation Mincemeat? [order_button_a]

Choose one of the eight issues from either Modules 3 or 4 in your textbook. Then select either the yes or the no side to focus your paper on.

Your assignment: Choose one of the eight issues from either Modules 3 or 4 in your textbook. Then select either the yes or the no side to focus your paper on. Once you have selected the issue, you will need to select one of the following approaches and utilize it to form your paper (Specify … Read more

What are the objectives? System will track orders, etc. [What are the measures of success?

Problems and Exercises p. 138 (5.43, 5.44) Please use problem 5.43 as the basis for problem 5.44, and not 5.42 which they stated to use. Petrie Electronics Case p. 141 (5.56, 5.59, 5.60)—3 problems Project proposal- Students will demonstrate understanding of Systems Analysis and Design Principles and Procedures, where the student will produce a systems … Read more

How did the second video make you feel? If you were the parent of a black child, how might you view things differently? How might it feel to be a young black child in this country right now?

How did we get where we are? Why do we think the way we do about others? STEP 1 PLEASE WATCH THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS: HOW DID WE GET OUR BIASES? REALITIES FOR THOSE WHO DEAL WITH RACISM. . . STEP 2 POST YOUR RESPONSE TO THE DISCUSSION BOARD BY [order_button_a] Respond to the following questions … Read more

Ethical Issues in Designing and Managing IT Applications in Business in Oman

Four students make up each group, which is student-voluntary. Each student must select one empirical article from any recent (2020–2025) Scopus journal and write a summary of it (in the Table form- landscape) that is no more than one page long. [order_button_a] The summary must include a brief introduction to the study (title, its purpose, … Read more

Cyber Security Question-focuses on website spoofing and cybersecurity attacks. The scenario involves running a small cybersecurity training business threatened by free training initiatives.

focuses on website spoofing and cybersecurity attacks. The scenario involves running a small cybersecurity training business threatened by free training initiatives. The assignment requires cloning a website using HTTrack, modifying it to include a malicious PDF download (logic bomb), and spoofing the original domain via the Windows hosts file. The lab also involves setting up … Read more

How might these innovations transform the relationship between viewers and television programs?

Each questions should be a minimum of two pages. You must use a minimum of 7 scholarly sources beyond your text book.(Television: The Critical View; Newcomb, Horace., Oxford University Press, 2007 ISBN: 978-0-19-1530116-8) Each question should be a minimum of two pages. Please put the question at the top of each page. With rapid advancements … Read more

What other perspectives are you interested in, in this topic of philosophy of love? Here we have read two incredibly powerful Black feminist philosophers, are there any cultures or perspectives you would like added to this section?

Do you believe that love is an integral part of enacting justice? Give one current justice related issue (can be social, political, etc.) that you see love being a foundational component of helping to enact real change. Use one (or more) of the definitions of love that Myisha Cherry uses in her chapter. What other … Read more

This course will require you to research and write a comprehensive literature review based upon a course-related topic of your choice.

Literature Review: Topic Paper Assignment Instructions Overview This course will require you to research and write a comprehensive literature review based upon a course-related topic of your choice. The final version of that paper (the Literature Review Paper) will be due by the last day of the class and the instructions are posted in the … Read more