Provide arguments for why the deviant behavior should be reclassified as non-deviant. What are the arguments in favor of the behavior no longer being considered deviant?

The sex trade and sex work Topic Part 1: Classification as Deviant Identify an act that is currently deviant and explain how or why it is deviant. This can be a criminal act such as illicit drug use or a noncriminal act such as extreme body modification. Describe the history of the behavior and the … Read more

Film Viewing Report 1 FIXING FEEDBACK-Provide specific details from the film to back your claims.

Film Viewing Report 1 FIXING FEEDBACK! 1. Clearly state your topic area (choose from the options provided in the assignment description) to guide your analysis of the film. 2. Provide specific details from the film to back your claims. 3. Make sure you remain on the same idea within a paragraph. There are a few … Read more

Public health professionals are acutely aware that a public health emergency could occur on any day, at any time, and they must be prepared to respond quickly and appropriately to prevent further harm to the public.

Topic: Emergency Preparedness and Response Public health professionals are acutely aware that a public health emergency could occur on any day, at any time, and they must be prepared to respond quickly and appropriately to prevent further harm to the public. Review the “Stories From the Field” from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s … Read more

How did your response change with each version? Which was your favorite? Why?

The purpose of this reflection paper is to work to make sense of what you read based on A Modest Proposal and the different types of reader-response criticism. Reflection Paper Instructions For this Reading Journal, you want to work as a reader response critic. Review the different types of reader-response criticism and choose one to … Read more