After having learned about the logical fallacies, integration of research in arguments, and identification of a source’s trustfulness, it is now time for you to apply the knowledge. In this assignment, you will write a five-paragraphargumentative essay based on one of the two topics provided below.
Please pay close attention when developing your counterarguments. When presenting the counterarguments, you must provide examples of logical fallacies commonly used, identify and explain the type of logical fallacy, then refute it in the rebuttal. Click HERE to read a sample argumentative essay that applies the logical fallacies.
Please note that each topic comes with an article that you need to read beforehand. Somewhere in your essay, you need to cite the accompanying article; if you wish, you can cite also other articles, but the assigned article is a must. The article assigned to the topic should not be analyzed as a primary source but should only serve as supporting evidence either for one of your arguments or counterarguments. The accompanying articles are attached to this assignment, and they also provide a direct link for the article itself.
When using information coming from other sources, please do not quote; instead, you should paraphrase or summarize.
Please note that you must submit this essay as a Word document, and it has to follow proper APA format and structure.
In addition, before writing your essay, please go over the argumentative essay template attached HERE. Do not forget to organize your ideas by writing an outline of your projected essay; a sample outline incorporating the logical fallacy is provided HERE.
Note: Plagiarism is not tolerated; TurnItIn will be activated to avoid any types of plagiarism.
Essay Topics:
Topic 1.
The 2020 presidential election created a flurry of disagreements and accusations around the possibility of probable fraud. During this time, a large Facebook group called Stop the Steal was eventually deleted for misinformation and violent rhetoric. As a result, many Trump voters, angered at this censorship on Facebook or Twitter, migrated to Parler, a social media app that functions similar to Twitter, Wimkin, or MeWe apps that function more like Facebook.
What do you think is the ultimate result of this migration? Has this group of voters achieved the free speech they sought? What might be the long-term results of this partisan divide in communication? Write an essay exploring the ultimate effects of this free speech migration on social media. Apply a logical fallacy when presenting the counterargument.
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