Review the Stage 1 EFT Session on pages 247-269 of The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating Connection text. Identify the following Micro-Interventions used in the session transcriipt:
Evocative Responding: Reflections
Evocative Responding: Questions
Empathic Conjecture
Tracking and Reflecting
Restructuring and Shaping Interactions
Provide one example for each Micro-Intervention and briefly describe how this intervention is moving the couple forward in the session. Use the following format in your response:
Evocative Responding: Reflection – “When you say that Sam there is a catch in your voice, like it hurts you to even put it into words, that you may not be who Mary needs?” (Johnson, 2020, p. 88). The therapist uses this intervention to gently invite Sam deeper into the experience of feeling that he is not enough for Mary, that he does not feel worthy of her love. The therapist is inviting him to touch on the unmet attachment need.
The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating Connection text
Ch. 1 pp. 3-24
Ch. 2 pp. 26-36
Ch. 3 pp. 40-49
Ch. 4 pp. 51-83
Ch. 5 pp. 85-111
Ch. 6 pp. 113-129
Ch. 7 pp.131-146
Ch. 8 pp. 148-164
Johnson, S. M. (2020). The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating Connection (3rd edition). New York: Brunner Routledge. (ISBN: 9780815348016)
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