In your studies as a psychology student, you will have come across plenty of ostensibly scientific theories of the mind, such as: a) Baddeley’s working memory model;
b) Beck’s cognitive theory of depression; c) Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of flow;
d) Cosmides’ theory of social exchange; e) Jung’s theory of introversion/extraversion; and f) Bandura’s social learning theory. Pick one of the above theories (or another, with the written approval of your tutor).
Using that theory, answer either of the following questions. 1. What philosophical/metatheoretical assumptions does [insert theory here] make about the nature of science?
What potential issues are there with these assumptions, and does the theory successfully navigate these issues?
2. What philosophical/metatheoretical assumptions does [insert theory here] make about the nature of mind? What potential issues are there with these assumptions, and does the theory successfully navigate these issues? i want to be writing on bandura SLT and answerign the question of the mind, using behaviourism as a metatheory if that makes sense
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