Explain the many uses of strategic analysis tools for business purposes by supporting your perspectives with research resources.

Evaluate the business strategies of Sarepta Therapeutics

Use at least three peer-reviewed, academic research resources and answer the following:

Strategic Analysis Overview

1. Explain the many uses of strategic analysis tools for business purposes by supporting your perspectives with research resources.

1.1. Using research, explain the purpose of strategic analysis in the strategy evaluation, planning, and implementation processes.

1.2. Explain the differences between conducting internal analyses and external analyses in the strategic evaluation process.

1.3. Explain how strategic analysis tools can help your chosen organization build a future-oriented strategy.

1.4. Provide examples describing how internal analysis tools are used in the strategic evaluation, planning, and implementation process.

1.5. Provide examples describing how external analysis tools are used in the strategic evaluation, planning, and implementation process.

Analyzing the Internal Environment

2. Explain how your chosen organization can further analyze its resources and capabilities to gain a competitive edge over rivals.

2.1. Explain how a value chain analysis can help diagnose the success of your chosen organization.

2.2. Explain how the BCG growth matrix can help your chosen organization allocate its resources to make it more competitive.

2.3. Explain the financial health of your chosen organization to inform strategic decision-making.

SWOT Analysis

3. Analyze the organization’s strengths and weaknesses in consideration of market opportunities and external threats.

3.1. Analyze the strengths of your chosen organization to determine its resources, core competencies, and capabilities.

3.2. Analyze the weaknesses of your chosen organization to identify negative attributes and characteristics, improvements needed, resource scarcity, and any factors that may lead to failure.

3.3. Analyze current opportunities within the industry and marketplace in which your chosen organization operates.

3.4. Analyze the threats that might affect your chosen organization’s ability to perform to the best of its competitive ability within its industry and the marketplace in which it operates.

Analyzing the Competitive Environment

4. Analyze the competitive environment of the organization using the five forces framework.

4.1. Explain the theory of the five forces framework and its value in diagnosing the competitive conditions in the industry of your chosen organization.

4.2. Conduct an analysis using the five forces framework to diagnose the competitive conditions in the industry of your chosen organization, including the following:

4.2.1. Analyze the rivalry among competing sellers of your chosen organization.

4.2.2. Analyze the competitive pressures associated with the threat of new entrants into the industry of your chosen organization.

4.2.3. Analyze the factors affecting competition from substitute products.

4.2.4. Analyze the factors affecting the bargaining power of suppliers.

4.2.5. Analyze the factors affecting the power of buyers.

4.3. Summarize the results of your five forces analysis by explaining how your chosen organization may be impacted within the next five years.

Analyzing the External Environment

5. Perform a PESTLE analysis to identify risks and threats to the organization’s external environment.

5.1. Explain the theory of the PESTLE analysis and its value in diagnosing conditions in the external environment of your chosen organization.

5.2. Conduct a PESTLE analysis and identify three strategically relevant factors per PESTLE component that may impact the long-term direction of your chosen organization, including its strategic vision and mission, objectives, and business model.

5.3. Summarize the results of your PESTLE analysis by explaining how your chosen organization may be impacted within the next five years.


Draw overall conclusions based on your various analyses in this deliverable.
6.1. Explain how a comprehensive analysis of your chosen organization’s competitive situation can assist managers in making critical decisions about their next strategic moves.

6.2. Explain opportunities for growth and expansion within the industry of your chosen organization.

6.3. Explain risks in the external environment that may lead to divestment within the industry of your chosen organization.

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