Global Health Question-Explain the methods/procedures/approaches This study examines the implications of nurse-patient ratios through a multi-perspective

The culminating argument paper is a restructuring of the first two papers with the addition of an abstract, introduction, and conclusion.
This paper should include a newly composed introductory section and a new final conclusion section that presents your discussion of (and argument for) the solution. Your argument, or rationale, for the solution that you propose is the focus of this paper.
Your paper must:
Be 15–20 pages in length
Title page (1 page)
Introduction (1–2 pages)
Reworked informative papers (10–15 pages)
Conclusion (1–2 pages)

References (1–2 pages)
Reference 12–15 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (compiled by combining all of the references from your Perspective of Inquiry papers and any additional resources you use in this final paper.)
Follow all APA Style guidelines.
this is the draft
Topic Area: The Relationship of Nurse-Patient Ratios and Patient Outcomes in Acute Care

Part 1 – State the healthcare issue/topic & problem
Nurse-to-patient ratios are a significant predictor of patient outcomes in acute care hospitals.
Understaffing has been linked to excessive patient mortality, medical errors, longer hospital stay,
and nurse burnout. Despite overwhelming evidence on the need for safe staffing levels, the
majority of hospitals struggle to maintain optimal nurse-to-patient ratios because of budget
constraints, staffing shortages, and administrative policies. The issue needs to be resolved to
improve the quality of patient care and foster positive health outcomes.
Part 2 -Explain the methods/procedures/approaches
This study examines the implications of nurse-patient ratios through a multi-perspective
approach that includes healthcare policy analysis, clinical research, and ethics. This study
involves a review of peer-reviewed journal articles, case studies, and statistical reports
examining the impact of staffing levels on patient care quality. A comparative analysis of
hospitals with varying staffing policies is also utilized with a view to ascertaining the
relationship between nurse workload and patient outcomes.
Part 3 – Reveal your results and findings (understandings from inquiry papers)
Evidence indicates that lower nurse-patient ratios are associated with better patient safety, lower
readmission rates, and higher patient satisfaction. Conversely, inadequate staffing leads to higher
rates of medical errors, higher infection rates, and higher nurse stress and burnout. Research

supports the argument that maintaining safe nurse-patient ratios enhances the quality of care in
Part 4 -Disclose/expose your concluding solution
To address this issue, the paper recommends implementing standard nurse-patient ratio
legislation, increasing funding for recruitment and retention of nurses, and altering hospital
staffing policy. By implementing these policies, hospitals can improve patient safety, reduce
nurse workload stress, and enhance overall quality of care.


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