For your final project assignment, you will create a community resource guide to help your chosen community adapt to, and possibly mitigate (reduce), the effects of climate change on the local public health issue you have been studying. You will also create an infographic to accompany the resource guide.
Review the course project descriiption, your work on the previous project assignments, and the assignment rubric to prepare for this assignment.
Create a 12–15 page comprehensive community resource guide to address the effects of climate change on the public health issue you have chosen to examine for this project. Base your resource guide on the CDC’s BRACE guidelines for a local community organization. To accompany the resource guide, create an infographic that could be presented to a local community stakeholders meeting, highlighting the key elements that can be found in the guide.
Your comprehensive resource guide must include the following:
Cover Page.
Table of Contents.
Problem Identification:
A community profile that includes:
Background information on the population demographics, including the social and economic disparities.
A list of key stakeholder groups and roles.
Specific climate impacts and potential health outcomes. Pay particular attention to vulnerable populations and locations associated with these health outcomes.
An inventory of risks and opportunities.
An estimate or quantification of the additional burden of health outcomes associated with climate change.
Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies:
Create a table of recommended adaptation and mitigation strategies, including priorities, lead responsibility, and fit with existing evidence based successful programs.
Three adaptation strategies.
Three mitigation strategies.
A Strategy for Evaluation and Sustainability.
References (in APA style and format).
Your resource guide must contain the following points, which correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment:
Create a comprehensive resource guide to help a community strategically build resistance against climate effects on public health.
Use the BRACE model to identify risks and strategies that can be used to address environmental health risks in the community.
Compare and contrast evidence-based interventions used in communities with similar environmental health issues.
Summarize applicable principles of epidemiology used to support environmental adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Identify the differences between physical, social, and health risks associated with environmental exposures.
Quantify the additional burden of health outcomes associated with climate change.
Create an infographic to communicate critical information about the environmental health issue.
Additional Requirements
Length: Your resource guide must be a minimum of 12–15 double-spaced pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12–point.
Written communication: Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
APA format: Provide a title page and references page. Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citations and the references page.
Submit your Building Resistance Against Climate Effects resource guide in the assignment area.
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