Consider the information presented in the readings this week as it can be related to your current or future employment as a practicing psychologist working with a given population. Select two or three ethical standards presented in those articles that will be relevant to you and that population. Specifically, discuss how those standards will be relevant to your work.
Discuss the precautions that can be taken to ensure that the standards are not violated when conducting survey research with the identified population.
In your response, incorporate how the concepts of ethical astuteness, demonstration of ethical character, and practicing ethical acuity pertain to the ethical standards you identified in this post.
The current scientific discipline and profession of survey research, including its design, construction, and methodology, possesses its own language and terminology. An Internet search for the phrase survey research will reveal over 324 million entries. A quick scan of some of those entries shows that there are organizations that exist solely for conducting survey research. The search will also reveal professional organizations, Web sites, and journals that are specifically devoted to advancing and promoting the discipline. This large-scale interest in survey research supports the importance of surveys as economically feasible and viable methods of collecting data and information of various categories.
As with all disciplines and professions, survey research development can be traced to specific historical events. The purpose of this week is to provide an account of the historical development of survey research. This week will also provide an overview of the language and terminology associated with historical and continuing development in the field. This material will be covered in Chapter 11 of Survey Research Methods.
The week will also cover the ethical principles associated with survey research. Chapter 11 of the Fowler textbook will provide a discussion of the basic ethical principles of research.
The assigned article readings will present information on ethics and the Code of Conduct for Psychologists.
The American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and the National Council of Measurement in Education formed a joint committee, which established a set of technical guidelines for the evaluation of tests, testing practices, and the effects of tests on individuals being tested.
Because survey research can be considered a form of testing, individuals who develop and use tests must be aware of the technical criteria for testing found in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. The assigned APA article will introduce you to a synopsis of the standards.
Ethically, psychologists who engage in testing and measurement must also be aware of and adhere to the technical criteria for testing. As a practicing psychologist, you are encouraged to purchase a copy of the text version of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, as a handy desk reference.
American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57(12), 1060–1073.
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