Steps to complete this project: Mark the steps as checked when you complete them. Open the BlueLake_Project2-Excel-ACP-2 Excel workbook start file. If the document opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it. Text file imported as table figure 1 text file imported as table The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor. Import a text file. Import the tab-delimited BlueLake_
Project2.txt file and load it to cell A19 in Sheet1. Verify that the Add this data to the Data Model box in the Import Data dialog box is not selected before you click OK. The data imports in an Excel table and repositions the existing data (Figure 1). Select cells A20:C33 and copy them to the
Clipboard. Do not include the blank row. Select cell D19 and open the Paste gallery [Home tab, Clipboard group]. Choose Formulas to paste the data without formatting. Press Esc to cancel the moving border. Format data as a table. Insert a blank row at row 4. Format cells D5:F75 as an Excel table with Blue, Table Style Medium 2 . Filtered data and total row Figure 2 Filtered data and total row Select and delete columns A:C. Select cells A1:A3 and set the font size to 14 pt. Set the width of columns A:C to 15.00. Apply the Center Across Selection command to cells A1:C3. Press Ctrl+Home. Rename the worksheet as Transactions. Copy and rename a worksheet.
Make a copy of the Transactions sheet at the end of the tabs. Name the copied sheet as Filtered. Make another copy of the Transactions sheet at the end and name it SunburstData. Sort and filter data. Select the Filtered worksheet tab. Sort the data in ascending order by Department. Show the Total row for the table. Filter the table to show only the Bike & Skate and Game Room data (Figure 2). Create a PivotTable. Select the Transactions worksheet tab. Select cell A5 and create a blank PivotTable layout on a new worksheet. Show the Department, City, and Transactions fields in the PivotTable. Arrange the City field in the Filters area, the Department field in the Rows area, and the Transactions field in the Values area (Figure 3). Rename the PivotTable sheet as PivotTable. City field is a filter figure 3 city field is a filter Create and format a Clustered Column PivotChart. Select cell A4 in the PivotTable and insert a Clustered Column PivotChart. Position and size the chart object to start at cell D2 and reach to cell M19. Select one of the columns in the PivotChart and click the Format Selection button [PivotChart Format tab, Current Selection group]. Find and expand the Fill command group and select the Vary colors by point box. Close the Format Data Series task pane. Click the Total title box in the chart and edit the text to display # of Transactions by Department. Apply a Black, Text 1 outline with a weight of ¼ pt to the chart object. Hide the display of Field Buttons in the PivotChart. Select cell A21 (Figure 4). PivotTable and its chart Figure 4 pivottable and its chart Create and format a sunburst chart. Select the SunburstData tab name. Select column B, cut it, and insert it at column A to rearrange the data so that the City column is column A. The top level in a hierarchy chart should be leftmost in the data. Select cells B1:B3 and move them to column A. Select cells A1:C3 and apply the Center Across Selection command. Select cell A5 and insert a Sunburst chart on its own sheet named SunburstChart. Edit the Chart Title placeholder text to display # of Transactions by City and Department.
The city names are the inner ring of the chart, the top level in the hierarchy. Return to the SunburstData sheet and filter the table to show all departments except Apparel, Footwear, and Running. Return to the SunburstChart sheet. When values are too small to scale, the slice displays as blank (Figure 5). Sunburst chart Figure 5 sunburst chart Name a cell range and insert a column. Select the Lookup_Data tab name. Select cells A2:A6 and name the range Cities. XLOOKUP arguments Figure 6 xlookup arguments Select cells B2:B6 and name the range TaxRates. Select the TransactionData sheet and insert a column at column C. Select cell C5 and type Tax Rate. Build a XLOOKUP formula. Select cell C6 on the TransactionData tab. Build a XLOOKUP formula to lookup the value in cell A6 in the Cities range and display the tax rate. (Figure 6). Copy the XLOOKUP formula in column C and format the results as Percent Style with 2 decimals. Use order of precedence in a formula. Select cell D6 on the TransactionData tab. Type = to start a formula and click cell B6. Type *( to multiply and enter the opening parenthesis. TransactionData sheet completed Figure 7 TransactionData sheet completed Type 1+ and click cell C6. The sales amount is multiplied by 1 plus the tax rate to calculate the total bill. Press Enter.
The missing parenthesis is noted. Click Yes to accept the correction. Copy the formula to complete the data. Preview the data and complete borders. Preview the worksheet for printing. Select cell A4 and apply a Left Border. Apply a Right Border to cell D4. Press Ctrl+Home (Fn+Ctrl+Left) and preview the worksheet again (Figure 7). Use SUMPRODUCT to calculate fees by location. Select the CardFees tab name and format the values in column C as Percent Style with four decimal places. Select cell C9 and type .0095. The correct percentage is .9500%. Type .0075. in cell C10. Select cell C15, click the Math & Trig button [Formulas tab, Function Library group] and select SUMPRODUCT. The formula multiplies the fee rate times the number of transactions for each type of card. Select cells C7:C10 for the Array1 argument and press F4 (FN+F4). Click the Array2 box, select cells D7:D10 for the Atlanta values as a relative reference, and click Done. Copy the formula to cells D15:G15. Edited formula to calculate total by card type figure 8 edited formula to calculate total by card type Format cells C15:G15 as Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places. Results are rounded to the nearest dollar.
Use order of precedence and relative references in a formula. Select cell E22. The formula multiplies the sum of cells D7:H7 times the fee for the card. Click the Math & Trig button [Formulas tab, Function Library group] and select SUM. Select cells D7:H7 for the Number1 argument and click OK. Edit the formula to multiply the results by cell C7 for the White Card fee (see Figure 8). The sum is calculated first, and the result is multiplied by the value in cell C7. Properties dialog box figure 9 properties dialog box Copy the formula to cells E23:E25. Format cells E22:E25 and cells D7:H10 as Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places. Press Ctrl+Home (Fn+Ctrl+Left). Finalize the workbook by setting page options and document properties. Open the Properties dialog box [File menu]. Select the Summary tab. Type Transactions Data in the Title box; type your name in the Author box. Click the Comments box, type First week of September, and return to the workbook (Figure 9). Select the PivotTable sheet tab.
Change the page orientation to landscape and scale the sheet to fit a single page. Select the Transactions sheet tab and scale it to fit a single page. Save and close the workbook (Figure 10).
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